
About the Department

The Department of Anatomy at Narayana Medical College was established in the year 2000. The Department of Anatomy is functioning in two wings on the first floor. Wing – I consists, Histology Laboratory, Histology preparation room, Demonstration room, staff rooms, office room and Post graduate research room.

II Wing – Lecture Hall, dissection hall, cadaver storage, embalming room section cutting room and post-graduate room.

III Wing – Museum, Museum preparation rooms (2 nos.), Library, demo rooom and staff rooms



To train students in gross anatomy, micro anatomy, neuro anatomy, developmental anatomy, experimental anatomy, genetics and updating with recent advances in human sciences.

Duties Performed:

Participation in dissection cum discussion and learning of the undergraduates, active participation in small group teaching, demonstration of gross structures emphasizing their clinical relevance and an insight to cell biology, cytology, basic structure of tissues and organs and basic genetics. Evaluation of tests, internal assessments and moderation of student symposia for all round development.

Organizational and administrative skills are groomed by way of active involvement in conduction of workshops, conferences, CMEs, field trips etc.

Anatomy courses offered to the following Undergraduate courses:
  • MBBS
  • B.Sc (MLT)
  • BDS
  • DMLT
  • BPT
  • DMIT
  • B.Sc Nursing
  • MBBS
  • General Nursing
  • Diploma in Anaesthesiology
Anatomy courses offered for Post Graduates:
  • MD
  • MDS
  • MSc
For the undergraduates, besides lectures and practical’s, periodical seminars, written assignments, and small group teaching, training is given for research and presenting scientific papers in the conferences computerized active learning.

Facilities / Equipments

Fully equipped seminar hall with contemporary AV equipment
Well stocked library with many national & international text books on Anatomy, Histology,, Embryology & Osteology
Well maintained museum with good collection of osteology & wet specimens
List of few equipments in the Department
Trinocular Microscope with Camera
Binocular Microscope with CC Camera
Wax Embedding bath
BOD Incubator
Laminar flow hood
Distilled water still
Electronic and Manual embalming machines
Body silver
The department of anatomy gets its charm by its modern museum which is spread in 500 s.q. area accommodating more than 250 students at any given point of time.
This modern museum displays wet and dry specimens, embryological sections, models, CT Scan’s, MRI’s, X-Ray’s and charts.
There are separate room for preparation rooms and also for artist and modellers