First Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP)
The First Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP) at college level allotted to Regional centre, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam was conducted by MEU, Narayana Medical College. The 3 Days work shop was started with welcoming the MCI observer Dr.Rajalakshmifrom RC and introduction of participants and resource persons to each other. Ice breaking session was done by Dr. Surya Prakash Rao, Dean. The 1st session of the day was on Competency Based Medical Education by Dr. P. Sreenivasulu Reddy coordinator MEU by highlighting the definitions of competence, competency & competent. He spoke about the salient features of CBME. Dr.Madhavulu, Co-coordinator MEU, presented a talk on IMG: Goals, roles and competencies with examples.

The third session was taken up by Dr.B.Sowjanya, Professor of Bio-Chemistry and she talked at length about deriving objectives from competencies and it’s importance while preparing the time table. After the session, group activity was given on deriving learning objectives. Post lunch session, Dr. Mahidhar Reddy, Surgeon talked about proposed changes in Graduate Medical Educational Regulations 2019. He made the session attentive and pointed out what the MCI wanted the IMG to be with knowledge, skills, attitude and communication skills. Then Dr.E.Ananada Reddy ,Associate Professor, Psychiatry presented a talk on Electives, the concept of electives, advantages, when to do the electives how they help students, where to be done, attendance, evaluation etc.

Topic on Foundation course was presented by Dr.Surya Prakasa Rao, Dean. He talked about the concepts, difficulties, its time frame etc., with examples and anecdotes. A group activity was given. The last session for the day was the AETCOM modules which was taken up by Dr.P.Sreenivasulu Reddy and he spoke about the purpose why it is being implemented into the curriculum the mission & objectives and what are the qualities needed by a medical professional in addition to the expertise like communication with patients their families, empathy, good attitude, ethics etc. This was followed by the inauguration of the workshop by Dr.Sudharshan garu, Vice –Chancellor, Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore and vote of thanks was delivered by Dr.Madhavulu.

Day 2 of CISP training program the 1st session was presented by Dr.B.Sowjayna, Professor of Bio-Chemistry on Integration with the help of Harden’s 11 steps ladder on integration by using a Linker. The next session was presented by Dr.P.Sreenivasulu Reddy, on alignment and integration in Medical Education. In this topic it was enlightened that how it facilitate the learning process and competency acquisition as envisaged in the GMR 2019 document. He spoke about how to derive the objectives from competencies and how to reduce redundancy to align and integrate the topics from different subjects in the same face. Post Lunch session was taken over by Dr.B.Madhavulu, Co-coordinator and presented a topic on early clinical exposure. He cleared the doubts related to the importance, implementation and implications of ECE to produce a competent IMG. Then the last session was ended by Dr.V.Mahidhar Reddy, Professor of General Surgery presentation on skill learning. He spoke on about the importance of skill learning and how to implement and the importance of skill learning in the assessment process.
The 3rd Day proceedings of CISP Program started with rappoteur’s report by Dr.Sharmila Krishna, Associate Professor of Bio-Chemistry. The 1st session of the day was assessment CBME by Dr.S.P.Rao, Dean, NMC. He spoke about assessment in CBME and the importance of assessment in progressive learning. After the tea break Dr.S.P.Rao, Dean continued his presentation with learning resource material.

The next session was presented by Dr.P.Sreenivasulu Reddy, and explained about the organogram for the curricular governance. In this presentation he mentioned about the various committees involved in the preparation of time-table and the importance of team work to complete the tasks as given by GMR document. Importance of HODs to prepare aligned and integrated topics and curriculum committee, curriculum sub committees and AITs to deliver the program.

The next session the road ahead was presented by Dr.B.Madhavulu, Co-cordinator, MEU and he spoke about the importance faculty development programs to implement CISP effectively. The next session was on the open house with distribution of feedback forms to the participants. All the participants expressed their reflections on the program which was encouraging for the organizers to conduct this kind of programs in future to enrich the knowledge about the Medical Education among the faculty. The valedictory function was successfully completed with distribution of certificates to participants and remarks by the Observer from MCI Dr.G.Raja Lakshmi.