Department of Community Medicine, Narayana Medical College.

                   The first round of Pulse Polio Immunization was organized by the Department of Community Medicine, Narayana Medical College, Nellore from 17th to 21st Jan, 2015.  The immunization of children below 5 years of age, living in the campus and of those who accompanied their parents to the campus was done on 18th, 19th and 20th Jan, 2015.   A group of nursing students and a Senior Health  Inspector went around the campus on 17th Jan, 2015 to enumerate the children below 5 years of age.   Parents were requested to get their children to the Polio Booth on 18 Jan, 2015 to get their children immunized with oral polio vaccine.   A Polio Booth was inaugurated by the following dignitaries at the entrance of the Narayana Medical College Hospital, on 18th Jan, 2015, at 8 am.

  1. Dr. G. Subrahmanyam, Director, Narayana Medical Institutions,
  2. Dr. K.V.S.K. SUbba Rao, Hospital Administrator, Suprspecialities, and
  3. Dr. V. Chandrasekhar, Professor & Head of Community Medicine.

                   Doses of oral polio vaccine were administered to many children by the above persons.   The booth was kept open until 5 pm.   About 110 children were given polio vaccine, by the following team.

  1. Mr. Masthanaiah, Senior Health Inspector,
  2. Ms. B. Bhabu Param Jyothi, M.Sc (N), Lecturer of Community Health Nursing,
  1. Ms. M. Usha Rani, 2nd year student of M.Sc (N),
  2. Ms. A. Nirmal Divya, 2nd  year student of M.Sc (N),
  3. Ms. A. Pavithra, 2nd year student of M.Sc (N),
  4. Ms. Anuhya, 1st year student of M.Sc (N),
  5. Ms. Kavitha, 1st year student of M.Sc (N), and
  6. Ms. Ramanjamma, 1st year student of M.Sc (N).

                   In addition to giving vaccines at the booth on 18th, they made home visits on 19th and 20th to give vaccine to those children who were not brought to the Polio booth on 18th.

                  What is more, the following Postgraduates of Community Medicine went round the districts of Nellore and Chittoore from  18th to 21st Jan, 2015, to inspect and monitor the PPI Programme on behalf of the National Poliomyelitis Surveillance Project (NPSP).

  1. Dr. R. Mohammad Waseem Akram, 2nd year Postgraduate,
  2. Dr. D. Srinivas Rao, 1st year Postgraduate,
  3. Dr. Y. Vishnu Vardhan, 1st  year Postgraduate,   and
  4. Dr. P. Ashok, 1st year Postgraduate.


                   They completed the districts’ monitoring work satisfactorily and reported that the PPI work was done well, and that the coverage of children by polio vaccine was about 95% or more.

                Therefore it is concluded by Dr. V. Chandrasekhar, Professor & Head of Community Medicine, Narayana Medical College, Nellore that the Pulse Polio Immunization programme was a grand success.