Books will be issued only to Faculty Members and not for Students since we are maintaining this as a Reference Library.
Books will be issued only to Faculty Members and not for Students since we are maintaining this as a Reference Library.
The Stack area is the most important in the Library. The total no. of books accommodated in the stack area is 28360.
Reference service is a personal aid provided to the user by the library staff in interpreting library collection for study and research. The library staff assists the user in locating needed information from the available resources. Central Library provides a separate reference section available with the latest editions and a copy of each title based on the collection.
To cater to PG students' needs, The Central Library provides a separate reading room for PG students exclusively. PG reading area is located on the first floor of the Central Library.
The Central Library provides a separate reading room for staff members to cater to the staff members' needs. The Staff Reading area is located on the ground and first floor of the Central Library.
The Central Library provides own book reading rooms for the convenience of the students. This area is located on the first floor of the Central Library.
For the convenience of the students, Central Library provides an Outside Reading room. This area is located on the second floor of the Central Library.
Information is the Fifth need of man, ranking after air, water, food and shelter. Newspaper gives information in any field of knowledge. That is why newspapers may be considered as popular mass media. Newspaper section located on the first floor of the Central Library.
The value of information is time-bound, and information loses its value with time. Hence we introduced The press clipping service in the Central Library, which plays an important role in Library services. Under this service, we cover news related to Narayana Medical College and NTR University of Health Sciences.
The Periodical section is the most important in medical/health science libraries. The information available in a journal is more up to date than the information available in the Book. The journal section is located on the first floor of the Central Library. The total journals available in the Journal section is 188
National – 82, International - 106
Back volumes of journals are the most valuable treasure of any academic library. The Central Library has collected 2049 back volumes of Journals and has published from 2008 onwards. The back volumes are kept in the journal section on the first floor of the Central Library.
The Technical Section's main aim is to classify, catalogue, accessioning the documents and binding the books that have been damaged. This Section is located on the ground floor.
Social welfare Book Bank Scheme for backward students is functioning for undergraduate students by the grants from state Govt. Under this scheme, 1263 books available for issue to backward students. This Section is located on the ground floor opposite the Digital Library.
Digital Library provides an Internet browsing facility for users from 9:00 am to 09:00 pm to browse, download and print online resources. Digital Library is located on the ground floor of the Central Library.
The Library has a separate "Internet Browsing" section. Fifty [50] desktop computers are reserved for the use of the students. Desktop computers are reserved for the students for accessing e-resources subscribed by the Library. Wi-Fi facility is also available in all the reading halls.
The Digital Library's computer services include assisting the students and faculty members while preparing the Thesis, Paper presentations in setting the file to the required print and printing quality. Digital Library also helps in searching for articles, E-Books, and that it also provides E-mail service.
Central Library provides information display and notification service to enable students to understand Current Affairs, Employment Opportunities and Competitive Exams. We are also displaying University and college updates.
Through this service, users can avail of photocopying services by paying Rs.1 per page of articles from journals and books when required.
OPAC is an Online Public Access Catalogue of Central Library. Users can search the availability of all the print resources (books & journals) of the Central Library through Narayana Library Management System.
The Library helps obtain photocopies of the references from DELNET (Developing Library Network), New Delhi. Further, the Library helps to acquire reading materials not available to use its Faculty Members, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students from several out-side sources on an inter-library loan basis.
The Central Library offers the following awareness services to the users to update the Library activities (new arrivals of Books, Journals, University Notifications, Training & awareness programs, etc.)
1. Best Library user Awards, 2. Books Exhibitions, 3. Orientation & Training programs, 4. E-mail service , 5. WhatsApp service
We are collecting, maintaining and disseminating Institutional Intellectual output under Institutional Repositories.
1. Previous Question Papers, 2. Thesis/Dissertations, 3. E-Books