Department of Anaesthesiology has conducted hands on fiberoptic intubation workshop on 18/01/2022 from 9:00am to 4:00pm.

This event was conducted on 2 mannequins as part of post graduate training in Anaesthesiology Department. Total 24 PG’s has utilised the opportunity by having hands on training in FIBEROPTIC INTUBATION.15 faculty members had hands on experience.

This workshop will be useful for the postgraduates to deal with difficult intubation scenarios which will be encounterd during Anaesthesia practice.This helps in hands on experience for PG’s & Faculty with the high end equipment.

We have used Fiberoptic scopes, flexible video endoscopes, C-MAC monitor with D-blade, advanced airway manniquens.


As part of training, we have demonstrated video stylet to PG,S. PG,S had good training in fiberoptic intubation.

This workshop provided the opportunity to PG,s to visualise the bronchial openings to guide the double lumen endotracheal tubes during one lung ventilation.

To conclude, Hands on fiberoptic intubation workshop enabled the PG’s to undergo training in the advanced equipment and faculty had excellent teaching and learning experience.